Whiplash1972 CD Collection

Aaron, Lee - Powerline ~ The Best of Lee Aaron
Accept - S/T
Accept - I'm a Rebel
Accept - Breaker
Accept - Best of Accept
Accept - Restless and Wild
Accept - Balls to the Wall
Accept - Metal Heart
Accept - Russian Roulette
Accept - Eat the Heat
Accept - Staying a Life
Accept - No Substitutes
Accept - Objection Overruled
Accept - Death Row
Accept - Predator
Accept - Blood of the Nations
Accept - Stalingrad
Accept - Blind Rage
Accept - Blind Rage ~ Live in Europe 2015
Accept - The Rise of Chaos
Accept - Symphonic Terror ~ Live at Wacken 2017
Accept - Greatest Hits (2020 bootleg)
Accept - Humanoid
Accept - Too Mean to Die
AC/DC - High Voltage
AC/DC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
AC/DC - Let There Be Rock
AC/DC - If You Want Blood You've Got It
AC/DC - Powerage
AC/DC - Highway to Hell
AC/DC - Back in Black
AC/DC - For Those About to Rock We Salute You
AC/DC - Flick of The Switch
AC/DC - '74 Jailbreak
AC/DC - Fly on the Wall
AC/DC - Who Made Who
AC/DC - Blow Up Your Video
AC/DC - The Razors Edge
AC/DC - AC/DC Live
AC/DC - Ballbreaker
AC/DC - Bonfire
AC/DC - Volts
AC/DC - Stiff Upper Lip
AC/DC - Black Ice
AC/DC - Rock or Bust
Acid Tongue - S/T
Acrided - Wild Life
Adam - Contact
Adam's Apples - Love Drive
Adams, Bryan - S/T
Adams, Bryan - You Want It-You Got It
Adams, Bryan - Cuts Like a Knife
Adams, Bryan - Reckless
Adams, Bryan - Into the Fire
Adams, Bryan - Waking Up the Neighbours
Adams, Bryan - So Far, So Good
Adams, Bryan - Live! Live! Live!
Adams. Bryan - 18 Til I Die
Adams, Bryan - MTv Unplugged
Adams, Bryan - On a Day Like Today
Adams, Bryan - The Best of Me
Adams, Bryan - Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
Adams, Bryan - Room Service
Adams, Bryan - Anthology
Adams, Bryan - 11
Adams, Bryan - Bare Bones
Adams, Bryan - Tracks of My Years
Adams, Bryan - Get Up
Adams, Bryan - Ultimate
Adams, Bryan - Shine a Light
Adams, Bryan - Christmas EP
Adams, Bryan - So Happy It Hurts
Addiction, The - Edge of Content
Adler - Back From the Dead
Adler's Appetite - S/T
Adler's Appetite - Alive
Adrenalin - Dedicated
Adrenalin Kick - Bad Reputation
Adrenaline Mob - Omerta
Adrenaline Mob - Coverta
Adrenaline Mob - Men of Honor
Adrenaline Mob - Dearly Departed
Adrenaline Mob - We The People
Adrian Dodz - S/T
AdrianGale - Re:Program
AdrianGale - Under the Hood
AdrianGale - Feel The Fire
AdrianGale - Crunch
AdrianGale - Live Program
AdrianGale - Suckerpunch!
AdrianGale - Defiance
AdrianGale - Final Piece
Aerosmith - S/T
Aerosmith - Get Your Wings
Aerosmith - Toys in the Attic
Aerosmith - Rocks
Aerosmith - Draw the Line
Aerosmith - Live Bootleg
Aerosmith - Night in the Ruts
Aerosmith - Greatest Hits
Aerosmith - Rock in a Hard Place
Aerosmith - Done With Mirrors
Aerosmith - Permanent Vacation
Aerosmith - Gems
Aerosmith - Pump
Aerosmith - The Big Ten-Inch Sampler
Aerosmith - Pandora's Box
Aerosmith - Get a Grip
Aerosmith - Nine Lives
Aerosmith - Classic Live! Complete
Aerosmith - A Little South of Sanity
Aerosmith - Just Push Play
Aerosmith - O, Yeah! Ultimate Aerosmith Hits
Aerosmith - Honkin' On Bobo
Aerosmith - Rockin' the Joint
Aerosmith - Music From Another Dimension!
Aerosmith - Rocks Donnington 2014
Aerosmith - 1971 ~ The Road Starts Hear
Agent X - Rock 'n' Roll Angels
Age of Evil - Living a Sick Dream
Age of Evil - Get Dead EP
Age Sten Nilsen's Ammunition - Shanghaied
Age Sten Nilsen's Ammunition - Ammunition
Aidean - Promises
Aiken, Clay - The Very Best of Clay Aiken
Airkraft - Airkraft
Airkraft - In the Red
Air Supply - The Definitive Collection
A.J. Mharyo - Fool For a Minute
Alan Parsons Project, The - The Best of The Alan Parsons Project (1983)
Alan Parsons Project, The - The Best of The Alan Parsons Project
Alan Parsons Project, The - The Best of The Alan Parsons Project Volume 2
A'la Rock - Indulge
Albert Fayth - Volume 1
Albert Fayth - Evolution
Alcatrazz - No Parole From Rock n Roll
Alcatrazz - Live Sentence ~ No Parole From Rock 'n' Roll
Alcatrazz - Disturbing the Peace
Alcatrazz - Dangerous Games
Alcatrazz - The Best of Alcatrazz
Alcatrazz - Live 83
Alcatrazz - Born Innocent
Alcatrazz - V
Alexa - S/T
Alfonzetti - Ready
Aliados - Get Off My Life
Alias - S/T
Alias - Never Say Never
Alibi - S/T
AliCat Project, The - 9 Ways to Skin a Cat
Alice in Chains - Facelift
Alice in Chains - Sap
Alice in Chains - Dirt
Alice in Chains - Jar of Flies
Alice in Chains - S/T
Alice in Chains - Unplugged
Alice in Chains - Nothing Safe
Alice in Chains - Live
Alice in Chains - Bank Heist
Alice in Chains - Black Gives Way to Blue
Alice In Chains - The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here
Alice in Chains - Rainier Fog
Alien - S/T
Alien - Dark Eyes
Alien - Eternity
Alien - Into the Future
Alleycat Scratch - Deadboys in Trash City
Alleycat Smile - S/T
All Fools Day - The Doghouse Incident
Alliance - S/T
Alliance - Destination Known
Alliance - Missing Piece
Alliance - Road to Heaven
Alliance - Fire and Grace
Alliance (different band) - Harmony's Noose
Allied Forces - R.U. Wild?
Alligator Stew - A First Taste Of
All I Know - Vanity Kills (Deluxe Edition)
All-Night Newsboys - Playtime
Almost Human - No Reason
Alter Bridge - One Day Remains
Alter Bridge - Blackbird
Altzi, Rick - All Eyes on Me
Alyze - S/T
Alyze - Afraid of the Dark
Amaze Me - S/T
Amaze Me - Dream On
Amaze Me - Wonderland
Amaze Me - Guilty As Sin
American Angel - S/T
American Angel - EP
American Angel - Archives
American Angel - Vanity
American Bombshell - Knives Out
American Bombshell - No Regrets
American Greed - Livin' the Dream
American Jetset - Live Love Die on Main
American Jetset - Saloon Rock Whiskey Pop
American Jetset - Cat's Got Your Tongue
American Jetset - Love Kills
American Jetset - The Slay Bell Singles Collection
American Jetset - 1987
American Mafia - Rock 'n' Roll Hit Machine
American Mafia - Made In New York
American Minor - The Buffalo Creek EP
American Minor - S/T
American Pearl - S/T
Anatomic - In For the Thrill
Anderson, Michael - S/T
Andi Deris and the Bad Bankers - Million Dollar Haircuts on Ten Cent Heads
Andrew, Martin - Like The Way That I Do
Androids - Let It All Out
A New Revenge - Enemies & Lovers
Angels or Kings - Kings of Nowhere
Angels or Kings - Go Ask the Moon!
Angels, The - Their Finest Hour - And Then Some
Angel X - Children of the Reign
Angelica - Greatest Hits
Angeline - Greatest Hits
Angeline - Confessions
Angelstorm - Rise From the Ash
Angelvette - Fully Loaded
Anexxe - Unsung Hero?
Annex - Powers That Be
Anthrax - Fistful of Metal
Anthrax - Armed & Dangerous
Anthrax - Spreading The Disease
Anthrax - Among the Living
Anthrax - State of Euphoria
Anthrax - Persistence of Time
Anthrax - Attack of the Killer B's
Anthrax - Sound of White Noise
Anthrax - Live: The Island Years
Anthrax - Stomp 442
Anthrax - Volume 8 - The Threat is Real
Anthrax - Return of the Killer A's ~ The Best of Anthrax
Anthrax - We've Come For You All
Anthrax - Music of Mass Destruction
Anthrax - The Greater of Two Evils
Anthrax - Caught in a Mosh ~ BBC Live in Concert
Anthrax - Worship Music
Anthrax - Anthems
Anthrax - Thrash in Texas
Anthrax - For All Kings
Anthrax - Kings Among Scotland
Anthrax - XL
Antix - Get Up, Get Happy
Anxiety - If I Were
Any Day Now - Millenium
AOR - Return to LA
AOR - The Heart of L.A.
AOR - More Demos From L.A.
AOR - The Best of Paul Sabu
Apocalyptic Lovers - Redemption Volume I
April Fool - Playin' to Win
April Wine - Greatest Hits
April Wine - Harder..... Faster
April Wine - The Nature of the Beast
April Wine - Power Play
April Wine - Animal Grace
April Wine - Walking Through Fire
April Wine - Oowatanite
April Wine - Attitude
April Wine - Frigate
April Wine - Back to the Mansion
April Wine - Roughly Speaking
Appice - Sinister
Arabia - 1001 Nights
Arabia - Welcome to the Freakshow
Arcade - S/T
Arcade - A/2
Arcade - A/3 ~ Live & Unreleased
Arcadia - So Red the Rose
Arcara - A Matter of Time
Arcara - S/T
Archange - Flashback
Archer, Laurence - L.A.
ARGI - Dare to Dream
A Rising Force - Undertow
A Rising Force - Eclipse
A Rising Force - Truth
Armageddon Roxx - S/T
Armored Saint - March of the Saint
Armored Saint - Delirious Nomad
Armored Saint - Raising Fear
Armored Saint - Saints Will Conquer
Armored Saint - Symbol of Salvation
Armored Saint - Revelation
Armored Saint - Nod to The Old School
Armored Saint - La Raza
Armored Saint - 2009 Australian Tour Compilation
Armored Saint - Win Hands Down
Armored Saint - Carpe Noctum
Armored Saint - Punching the Sky
Armored Saint - Symbol of Salvation: Live
Arnt Rye - Kaerlighetens Hunder
Arrival - Arrival, 2013
Arthur Kill - Anointing the Soul
Arthurs Museum - Gallery Closed
Artica - As It Should Be
Artificial Agent - Brain Grenade
Artificial Agent - Programmed to Destroy
Art of Anarchy - S/T
Art of Anarchy - The Madness
Art Nation - Revolution
Art Nation - Liberation
Art Nation - Transition
Art Nation - Inception
Ashanale - On The Rocks
Ashes & Diamonds - I Just Want Your Love (CD Single)
Ashes & Diamonds - Heart of an Angel
Asia - Then & Now
Asia - The Very Best of Asia: Heat of the Moment (1982-1990)
Asia - Anthologia: The 20th Anniversary/Geffen Years Collection (1982-1990)
Ask a Stranger - Stranger Things Have Happened
Asylum Suite - S/T
Atherton, Derek - S/T
Atkins, Ronnie - One Shot
Atkins, Ronnie - Make It Count
Atkins, Ronnie - Trinity
Atlanta Rhythm Section - The Best of Atlanta Rhythm Section
Atlantis Airport - By Nature
Atomic Angel - S/T
Atom Smash - Love is the Missle
Atro - Breaker
At The Movies - The Soundtrack of Your Life Vol. 1
Attomik - S/T
Attraction - Get Up and Shake
Attraction 65 - S/T
Audio Mob - S/T
Audioslave - S/T
Audioslave - Out of Exile
Audioslave - Revelations
Audioslave - Live EP
Audrey Horne - Confessions & Alcohol
Audrey Horne - Devil's Bell
Autograph - Sign in Please
Autograph - That's the Stuff
Autograph - Loud and Clear
Autograph - Buzz
Autograph - Missing Pieces
Autograph - Louder
Autograph - Get Off Your Ass
Autograph - Beyond
Avacost - A Peace of the Sky
Avalon - Everyman a King
Aviator - S/T
Axe - Twenty Years From Home 1977-1997 ~ Best of Vol. 1
Axtion - Look Out For the Night
Axxis - reDISCOver(ed)
A-Z - A-Z
A.Z.R.O. - Rock in a Hard Place

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